Core Martial Arts Classes

Our Core Classes are  made up of 9 Key Components; but first and foremost, classes need to be fun. 

Why would we continue to do things that we don't enjoy? 


We don't. That's why it's key to make classes enjoyable for students while maintaining the discipline and etiquette necessary for growth and success. We do our best to keep our classes and instruction as  enthusiastic and energetic as possible. This keeps students and families looking forward to class every day.

The other components of our program are as follows.

Modern Day Martial Arts: Belt System

Most traditional martial arts have a color belt system. Students advance through the ranks by registering and passing their belt tests. Each belt level offers an opportunity to learn new and challenging material. The different belt colors represent different stages of our training.

The Color Belt System


Yellow→Yellow Stripe→

Blue→Blue Stripe→

Green→Green Stripe→

Red→Red 1→Red 2→Red 3→Red 4→ 

The Dan System

Black (1st Dan)→ 2nd Dan→3rd Dan→

4th (Master)→5th Dan→6th Dan→7th Dan→

8th Dan (Grand Master)→9th Dan→10th Dan

Why do we wear belts?


Beginning a new journey

Yellow  & Yellow Stripe

Openness to learning

Blue & Blue Stripe

Diligence and perseverance in training

Green & Green Stripe

Growth in strength, skill, and knowledge

Red & Red Stripe(s)

- Active transformation in perception,  ability, understanding, and application

Black & Midnight Blue

Advanced proficiency of all color belt skills